Dragon Classes Part 2

Dragon Classes Part 2[Fandom] Tracker Class The Tracker Class is a new class discovered in Race to the Edge. Natural born hunters, Tracker Class dragons have a highly acute sense of smell or taste that enables them to track down and find things. The dragon species included are: Common Rockstomper Deadly Nadder Mudraker Rumblehorn Snifflehunch Submaripper Thunderclaw Windgnasher Sharp Class Sharp Class dragons are vain and prideful, and they all possess sharp body parts. The dragons included are: Devilish Dervish Egg Biter Grim Gnasher Hackatoo Raincutter Razorwhip Scuttleclaw Shivertooth Speed Stinger Stormcutter Thornridge Timberjack Windstriker Tidal Class Tidal Class dragons live in or near the ocean, and unlike most dragons, they do not breathe fire as their ranged attacks, and although very few can, they rarely do use them. The dragons in this class are generally larger in size than most of the other clas...